You will learn painting techniques
Included in the class are
Two shrine boxes. (You may bring your own if you chose)
Some papers for collage.
All glues
Some found objects
I highly recommend you look at some shrines on Pinterest and look up tin shrines/day of the dead
shrines/shrine art/carrie Eckert, so you can get an idea of the imagination you can create. The
more pieces that you bring, the more your shrine will shine! Don’t forget that picture of your
loved one in several sizes. And again, your subject does not need to be dead.
Other objects can be purchased in class.
Carrie Eckert is a mixed media artist that lives in Puerto Vallarta. She specialized in assemblage
and shrines. She likes using different surfaces and medium to create a story within art. She has won several awards during her art career. Her motto is, Art should never be boring.