Laguna Clay RED ^06 MOIST CLAY 50 lbs BOXED
Laguna Clay WC-403 Speckled buff ^5 50lbs. MOIST CLAY, BOXED
Clay body specifically formulated by request from Midwest and Eastern U.S. potters. Low in sand and grog content, speckled buff is smooth textured. An excellent throwing body. The color palette is perhaps best described as 'desert' or 'Southwest'. Fired in oxidation, Speckled Buff falls into the tan/brown color range.
Laguna Clay WC‑391 B‑3 Brown Clay 50lb
Laguna Clay WC‑391 B‑3 Brown Clay 12.5 lb Clay Kit for use in Onsite Classes/Workshops
Laguna Clay WC‑400 Moroccan Sand Clay Clay 12.5 lb Clay Kit for use in Onsite Classes/Workshops
Laguna Clay WC‑391 B‑3 Brown Clay 25 lb Clay Kit for use in Onsite Classes/Workshops
Laguna Clay EM217 WED Moist Clay 50lb Box
Laguna Clay WC‑400 Moroccan Sand Clay 50lb
Laguna Clay WC‑953 Max’s Paper Clay 50lb
Fires gray-stony-white in reduction at cone 10, off white at cone 5 oxidation, and bright white at cone 05 (raku). It is a medium textured, low shrinkage body designed for large-scale hand-built sculpture and tile work where thick cross sections (up to 1 inch) are anticipated. Contains a moderate amount of fine and medium mesh grog..