Rodin Pintura Acrilica ATL 60 ML. 522 AZUL ULTRAMAR
Elaboradas a partir de resinas sintéticas y finos pigmentos. De consistencia suave y cremosa, con gran poder cubriente, obteniendo una capa de terminado mate, flexible y duradera.
Made from synthetic resin and fine pigments. It has a smooth and creamy texture with a great coverage capacity, making for a matt, flexible and long-lasting finish.
Rodin Pintura Acrilica ATL 60 ML. 532 SIENA NATURAL
Elaboradas a partir de resinas sintéticas y finos pigmentos. De consistencia suave y cremosa, con gran poder cubriente, obteniendo una capa de terminado mate, flexible y duradera.
Made from synthetic resin and fine pigments. It has a smooth and creamy texture with a great coverage capacity, making for a matt, flexible and long-lasting finish.
Rodin Pintura Acrilica ESCOLAR PLATA 250 ML
Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica.
Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.
Rodin Pintura Acrilica L-900 AZUL THALO 60 ML
Rodin Pintura Acrilica ORO ESCOLAR 250 ML
Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica.
Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.
Rodin Pintura Acrilica . L-900 AMARILLO 60 ML
Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica.
Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.
Rodin Pintura Acrilica L-900 AMARILLO BR 60 ML
Es un solvente sin olor, libre de azufre y ligeramente graso al tacto. Se utiliza como diluyente en pinturas base solvente y en limpieza de pinceles y accesorios.
This is an odorless, sulphur-free and slightly greasy to the touch solvent. It is utilized to dilute paints via it's solvent capability and to clean brushes and other accessories.
Es un solvente sin olor, libre de azufre y ligeramente graso al tacto. Se utiliza como diluyente en pinturas base solvente y en limpieza de pinceles y accesorios.
This is an odorless, sulphur-free and slightly greasy to the touch solvent. It is utilized to dilute paints via it's solvent capability and to clean brushes and other accessories.