Showing 1357–1368 of 1616 results

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar LIMON HANZA 100 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MAGENTA 100 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MAGENTA 250 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MAGENTA ESC. 342 500 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar Malva #335 100 Ml

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar Malva 250 Ml

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MORADO 100 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MORADO 250 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MORADO 334 1000 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar MORADO 334 500 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar NARANJA 100 ML

Elaborada con finos pigmentos molidos y con emulsiones 100% acrílicas. Se logran texturas con la aplicación directa o mezclados con plastilita, no se craquelan. Solubles al agua y resistentes a la misma una vez secos. Made with finely-ground pigments and 100% acrylic emulsions. One is able to achieve different textures by applying it directly or mixed with texturing paste, without it crackling either way. Water-soluble and resistant once they are dry.

Rodin Pintura Acrilica Escolar NARANJA 308 250 ML

Pintura elaborada con emulsión plástica de gran adherencia tanto a superficies rígidas como a flexibles, como papel, cartón, madera, cemento, yeso, metales, unicel, tela y cerámica. Paint made with a highly-adhesive plastic emulsion that works on both rigid and flexible surfaces like paper, cardboard, wood, cement, plaster, metal, styrofoam, fabric and ceramic.