Mostrando 157–168 de 459 resultados

“The of [Un]Reason” led by Mexican, New York-based playwright Georgina Escobar – October 26th – 6pm-8pm

This workshop will set to explore, engage with, decentralize, immobilize, and activate a series of playwriting methodologies. It will prompt participants to create a story based on personal myths and set against a backdrop of a recent natural/cultural/societal/or political events.  This is a workshop about "theatrical wild abandon" and it is to writers what a physical warm-up is to actors.

2 Day Paper Mache / Piñata Workshop

Join Ernesto Guerra (February 28th and March 1st ) 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm and learn how to create with paper mache. Create a piñata from start to finish. Day 1 brainstorming and sketching ideas. Set up workplace and lay out supplies. Learn how to create the shell.  On the second day you will learn how to decorate the piñata and bring it to life.

565 Oleo Pinto Academia Negro de marte mars black 37 ml

La viscosidad media de este óleo permite un manejo dócil con el pincel y la espátula, gracias también a su excelente brochabilidad.  Los aceites refinados usados en su elaboración, producen en la obra un brillo elegante. The medium viscosity from this product allows you to easily use it with a brush and a palette knife. The refined oils used in its production result in an elegant shine in your art piece.

Acrylic Pour Class with Carol Anne Anderson

An acrylic pour is a quick and fun way to create an abstract painting with little control.  It is messy and fun and often a surprise. 2 dates available February 24th and 25th - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm A materials fee of $180.00 pesos is required

Adolescencia by Devy Love

Artist Devy Love   Size 16 x 12 inches   Acrylic   Original

Advanced Fused Glass Art Workshop with Carol Anne Anderson

This is a four day workshop that starts on a Monday, continues Tuesday, and then the following Monday and Tuesday from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (January and March dates only).  February dates will be February 3 and 4  - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm -  and February 10 and 11  - 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 2020 starting dates of January 13, February 3, March 2 Join us for an exciting 4 day workshop working with fused glass with Carol Anne Anderson. Over the four days of  classes you will learning the advance techniques fusing glass Taught by talented instructor Carol Anne Anderson formerly of Opps Perfect Glass Kit includes: Kiln time / findings / pin backs / bales / head pins / earring binding / drill bits / fiber paper / glass for class project

Agateware Vase by Rob Marsh

Artist: Rob Marsh Multiple Stoneware Ceramics Original  

Alcohol Ink Workshop with Carol Anne Anderson

This is a 2 day workshop.  These inks are a wonderful, transparent, fast drying, colorful and just plain yummy.  They can be applied to any non porous surface.  We will do 2-3 projects using the inks.

Alma by Angelo Sannasardo

Artist: Angelo Sannasardo   size: 14  x 12 inches   Original