DESIGNER 14ml ivory black
Popular entre diseñadores, ilustradores y artistas comerciales, las pinturas gouache Winsor y Newton son perfectas para crear obras de artes vibrantes y audaces. Todos estos tonos se pueden mezclar entre ellos y los puede emparejar con las acuarelas Winsor y Newton para un efecto de color matizado.
Popular among designers, illustrators and commercial artists, Winsor and Newton gouache paint is perfect for creating bold, vibrant artworks. All these tones are intermixable and you can pair them with Winsor and Newton water colours for a flat, matte colour effect.
DESIGNER 14ml linden green
Popular entre diseñadores, ilustradores y artistas comerciales, las pinturas gouache Winsor y Newton son perfectas para crear obras de artes vibrantes y audaces. Todos estos tonos se pueden mezclar entre ellos y los puede emparejar con las acuarelas Winsor y Newton para un efecto de color matizado.
Popular among designers, illustrators and commercial artists, Winsor and Newton gouache paint is perfect for creating bold, vibrant artworks. All these tones are intermixable and you can pair them with Winsor and Newton water colours for a flat, matte colour effect.
Excepcionalmente altos niveles de pigmentos resultan en poder de cobertura sin igual y mezclas de colores limpios. Todos los colores Winsor & Newton diseñadores guache son totalmente compatibles con Winsor & Newton acuarelas profesionales y Cotman acuarelas
Exceptional high-quality pigments make for an unparalleled coverage and clean color mixtures. All Winsor & Newton Designer gouaches are fully compatible with Winsor & Newton professional watercolors and Cotman watercolors.
DESIGNERS 14ml Gouache
Popular entre diseñadores, ilustradores y artistas comerciales, las pinturas gouache Winsor y Newton son perfectas para crear obras de artes vibrantes y audaces. Todos estos tonos se pueden mezclar entre ellos y los puede emparejar con las acuarelas Winsor y Newton para un efecto de color matizado.
Popular among designers, illustrators and commercial artists, Winsor and Newton gouache paint is perfect for creating bold, vibrant artworks. All these tones are intermixable and you can pair them with Winsor and Newton water colours for a flat, matte colour effect.
Dia de los Muertos Shrine Workshop with Carrie Eckert – Sold Out!
Come enjoy two days creating two different shrines in honor of day of the dead. In
this two-day workshop (October 16 and 17, 2019) we will be using a variety of found objects to create
You will have the opportunity to either memorial the passing of a loved one
and or create a shrine with no person, but instead a theme. It is your choice in
working with two different boxes. Using assemblage techniques learned in the class,
you will compose your own shrines. We will make a tin shrine and a larger box
If you choose to bring your own boxes, please do so, but please limit the size
to no larger than 15” x 15”. Bring your assortment of imagery and that box of
ephemera that you’ve been collecting forever and we will incorporate them into
your shrine.