Mostrando 2041–2052 de 2229 resultados

SUPPORT 1″ X 1″ X5″

Mullite props and shelf supports. Maximum Cone 10. These Mullite Props and Shelf Supports are strong, durable and will withstand temperatures up to Cone 10, (2381°F, 1305°C).

Surreal & Fashion Photography Workshop with Cassidy Walker

Please join us for this exciting 3 day workshop - Jan 4, 5, 6, 2020 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm daily The course begins with providing the basics to a camera and how to shoot landscapes while we walk around town to some of my favorite locations. The second day, we will be shooting a model in the middle of beautiful Old Town, Puerto Vallarta. The third day, we will be in the gallery working on some of your pictures we took and how to take a picture and a concept and put them together, whether its landscapes, fashion, or fantasy photography. For lunch, I will be taking the photographers to my favorite taco stands, which are hidden gems in the city.

Tahiti by Angelo Sannasardo

Artist: Angelo Angelo Sannasardo   39.5 x 29 inches   Original

Talens Glazing Medium 086 Oil Colour

Purpose: Increasing the flow and transparency of glazing layers in oil colour Composition: Vegetable oils, synthetic resins, white spirit • No influence on the drying time of the paint film • Brush stroke runs • Increases the gloss • Does not yellow • Increases the durability and elasticity of the paint film • Can be thinned with white spirit or turpentine • Flammable Available in 75 ml and 250 ml.

Talens Picture Varnish Glossy

Protección duradera para una pintura al óleo (último barniz) con un acabado brillante. Durable protection of an oil painting (final varnish) with a glossy finish.

Tall Vase by Rob Marsh

Artist: Rob Marsh Stoneware Ceramic Original

Tamale making Workshop and Tamale Happy Hour with Nathalie Herling

Following the rich Mexican tradition of making Tamales for Christmas (or anytime), we will have a hands on start to finish Tamale making workshop. A fun gathering to do what Mexican cooks have enjoyed for centuries to do - cook and chat, gossip, laugh while we make tamales. We will make traditional corn husk tamales with pork and vegetarian options. As well as sweet tamales, a Norteña Christmas traditions that reaches into Texas and Californa and Colombian style banana leaf tamales with chicken, egg and olives!! For drinking we will make a Purple corn, pineapple Chicha for cool drinks and Cafe de Olla and Colombian hot chocolate, classic holiday beverages, to keep us caffeinated to make all these Tamales! You will be taking home lots of tamales to share with family and friends or freeze to enjoy later. We will be using clay pots to make our delicious fillings and masa. Even steaming too! Recommended you bring an apron, take home containers and lots of good stories to share. This workshop will likely go on for at least 4 hours as we cook, laugh and make a lovely communal mess making delicious tamales. Might turn into a Tamale Fiesta with Vino Caliente after we are done! Entrance details will be sent to participants. Going to be held in the handmade Mexican tile kitchen overlooking the ocean. Nathalie Herling of Creative Clay Cooking will be sharing her Mexican, Texas and Colombia recipes for traditional Christmas tamales which many she has prepared for over 30 years.

Tehuana by Lalo Cobar

Size: 23.5 x 19 3/4 inches   Arcylic   Original

Terracotta Earrings by Georgia Powell

Asymmetrical  design in warm oranges, terracotta and copper tones Approx length 11cm

Terre Verte 15 ml Daniel Smith Watercolor

DANIEL SMITH Finest Watercolors- Una acuarela clasica sin igual en pureza y permanencia.