Mostrando 1441–1452 de 2229 resultados

New Gamboge 15 ml Daniel Smith Watercolor

DANIEL SMITH Finest Watercolors- Una acuarela clasica sin igual en pureza y permanencia.  

Nickel Azo Yellow 15 ml Daniel Smith Watercolor

DANIEL SMITH Finest Watercolors – A classic watercolor of unsurpassed purity and permanence.

Nickel Titanate Yellow 15 ml Daniel Smith Watercolor

DANIEL SMITH Finest Watercolors- Una acuarela clasica sin igual en pureza y permanencia.  

Obra: “I’ve been waiting” by Lezti Kaulitz Quinn

Artist:  Lezti Kaulitz Quinn Technique: Acrylic on paper protective varnish in glossy finish Dimensions: 25x 32 cm (original part) 35x

Oceanic Series by Rob Marsh

Artist: Rob Marsh   Ceramic   Original    

Octopus by Adrian Takano Rojas

Artist: Adrian Rojas   Size: 19.5 x 24 inches   Acrylic   Original    

Oleo Atl Verde Viridian 160ml

Los óleos Atl son óleos elaborados con los pigmentos modernos y los aceites más altamente refinados que aseguran un amarillamiento mínimo, su consistencia de pasta cremosa permite aplicarlos con brocha y espátula sobre superficies preparadas con gesso conservando la textura y la forma. Aceptan el acondicionamiento de todos los medios para el óleo. Atl brand oil paints are made with modern pigments and the most highly-refined oil base, which makes for minimum yellowing. Its creamy paste consistency allows for them to be applied with a brush and trowel over surfaces prepared with gesso, keeping its shape and texture.


Los óleos Atl son óleos elaborados con los pigmentos modernos y los aceites más altamente refinados que aseguran un amarillamiento mínimo, su consistencia de pasta cremosa permite aplicarlos con brocha y espátula sobre superficies preparadas con gesso conservando la textura y la forma. Aceptan el acondicionamiento de todos los medios para el óleo. Atl brand oil paints are made with modern pigments and the most highly-refined oil base, which makes for minimum yellowing. Its creamy paste consistency allows for them to be applied with a brush and trowel over surfaces prepared with gesso, keeping its shape and texture.