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Call for Artists for The Peanut Gallery… where artists acknowledge, we do what we do for love and we are only working for Peanuts.

Call for Artists for The Peanut Gallery. We have the opportunity to fill a very unique, small art gallery
shaped in the form of a retro peanut rocket. The Peanut Gallery is made of 170+ small min gallery
compartments and we are looking for artists interested in working in miniature to make a piece of art
for this Peanut gallery…

Artwork to qualify for being considered and included in the peanut gallery

Max Size can not exceed 2.5 inches height x width x length

For this upcoming 2020 exhibition all submission are asked to a food art theme. Peanut sculptures are
also in courage to participate.

The gallery has 13 levels and up to 16 mini gallery spaces in a roll

The curator, Nathalie Herling of the Peanut gallery will select which artwork will be include in the peanut
gallery and where each artwork will be displayed. There are larger and small spaces.

Each piece of artwork will be photograph and features on the art vallarta website to share the Peanut

Gallery exhibition and art worldwide.

The actual peanut gallery will physically be on exhibition at ART VallARTa and possibly be traveling to
other destinations during the 2020 year (details to follow).

Your artwork can be for sale and the ART VallARTA gallery will receive a 30% commission for sales.

Collectors and artist will receive their pieces at the end of the 2020 exhibition. Artist can submit multiple
pieces for the exhibition

Artwork in the peanut gallery collection will be part of the exhibition for year 2020.

At the end of the exhibition you will have three options for your artwork.
1) You can donate your piece of art. Your artwork will be kept and added to the permanent peanut
gallery collection and will be considered for future Peanut Gallery exhibitions.

2) If you would like your artwork returned. A) You can pick it up at ART VallARTa between Jan – March
2021.Those who would like their artwork shipped after 2020 please ask for a request for shipping to
[email protected] with instructions and we will send you the shipping charges if

3) If your piece has been sold to a collector, you will receive payment within 30 days of the final sale.

There maybe an option to exchange your piece for a new offering. Otherwise the collector will take
possession of your piece at the end of the exhibition.

We are looking forward to the Peanut Gallery becoming a worldwide joy of miniature art.

If you are an art teacher:

Special miniature classes will be offered this year and through 2020. If you are an artist interested in
doing a miniature art workshop we have opportunities to teach your craft.

Please click here to submit your artwork